The Hyrule Legends
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Prologue, The rise of the Heros

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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Boraguard Thu Nov 29, 2018 7:32 pm

The Blood Moon curse has been looming over the land of Hyrule for a few months, causing every night to have a Blood Moon. The first month brought fear and chaos to the people of the land. However, after a while a few brave people found a way to make a living and even prosper with the curse rising up. Many however still try to find the cause that has brought about this great curse. Some believe it is the forces of evil resorting to a desperate plan, for the King of evil, Ganon, has not risen back up, others however are still not sure.

What ever has brought this curse to the lands, it has also given rise to many guilds, groups of hunters and warriors willing to venture out to take on the monsters that are constantly resurrected due to the Moon, and today was one of many, a day of initiation, to see who has the courage, the strength, and the wisdom to survive being a guild hunter along with the others, to see how well one can prosper, or if they realize that they have yet to be truly ready for the tasks for the future.

Near the outskirts of Hyrule Castle Town was some land filled with tents and tons of people, many warriors and hunters from all across the land to see how they fair in this initiation.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Sariel Sat Dec 08, 2018 2:14 pm

Celda stalks the camps looking for things to do injuries to close,maybe even a performance to do,while humming a familiar tune.. "She will think to herself i hope these hunters know some twili can not physically stand the light if they dont start soon i may have to tell someone."she will begin to sing the tune she has heard in ger head.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Boraguard Sun Dec 09, 2018 1:22 am

There would be some folks to who looked over to Celda. Twili were known of well enough, and they did come to the world of light, but usually they stayed together, not walking around by themselves. But for the most part no one was bothering her.

One person did decide to walk up to Celda however, a female Hylian that had the facial structure of the Princess of Legend, even the same eye color, however that was where the similarities ended. She had short black hair that covered her left eye in the front and black adventuring cloths and gear. "Hello there, deary." She said trying to get her attention. "Don't see too many Twili out and about solo often. Are you here with anyone?"


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Sariel Sun Dec 09, 2018 1:45 am

Celda will look towards the woman to bow and say. " Most twili are verry insular but i find it easier to try to befriend you hylians as my great ancestor did."


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Boraguard Sun Dec 09, 2018 1:53 am

The gothic Hylian would chuckle and said "I see. Well then may I have your name? I am Terra." She said with a smile.

While the two were greeting, a second person would walk up. Slightly taller and armored up to all heck in dark amber colored armor and a huge sword on his back, he would walk up beside to Terra while the two chat.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Sariel Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:17 am

She would go back to her normal way of standing and say." I am celda descendant of the twilight princess midna."


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Boraguard Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:49 am

The armored person would let out a little laugh and said "Well look at that, two Princess blood lines in one place." He said, taking his helmet off to reveal himself to be a Twili as well. "Name's Maul. And as this fine woman said, this is Terra 'Hyrule'." He said as Terra would give a slight sigh.

"I've told you before Maul, most of the royal family still questions how I got their blood. Anyways, yes, I might not look the part...or heck even act the bleedin' part, but I am related to Zelda." She said rubbing the back of her head.

Maul would look over to Celda and said "Well then, may I ask if you have yourself a sun protection ring?" He asked.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Sariel Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:55 am

Celda will blush and say "i did not know of such enchantments i was just going to wear my ceremonial cloak. Altho that would help immensly what with my time in hyrule numbering about a month."


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Boraguard Sun Dec 09, 2018 6:05 pm

Maul would dig a bit into a bag he had as he pulled out a ring and flicked it over to Celda. "There you go, on the house." He said with a toothy grin.

Terra would tilt her head a bit and asked "So, figuring you're hear to join a guild, what is it if I may that you seek?" She asked.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Sariel Sun Dec 09, 2018 6:24 pm

She will take a regal stance to say this like she has felt this calling in her heart."I wish to embody the elements of the triforce,(she will put one hand on her rapier)the courage to wield a sword of twilight against my adversaries.the wisdom to speak against injustice where it may rear its head be it close to home or in foreign lands.and the power to never let another like zant the usurper rise to prove the godess' right. I am twilight. I am the dusk before the dawn and i will bring forth the light even if i can't stand in its presence."


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Boraguard Sun Dec 09, 2018 6:37 pm

Both Terra and Maul would look at each other with an amused look as Terra would nod and said "An admirable cause I will admit. Definitely more so than most who are here." She said motioning to most of the folks around. "You'll find others with goals that are just. Some are here to help keep the monster numbers down. Others to try and find a way to stop the Blood Moon curse...however." She would walk beside Celda, placing an arm around her shoulder and pointed to a group of adventurers that wore black armor and looked...a bit shady to say politely. "Some are here for gold and blood. A...'legal' means to kill and be paid for it. Brought about by a sick greed, but who to some, are a necessary evil." She then looked to the left where there were a good bit of folks drinking with each other. "And then there's those who are in it for the sport, a game in a strange sense. Not as twisted as the Black Hand, but the reasoning could be more just." She would step back towards Maul as she finished saying "You'll find those of all spectrum here. Walk around, engage with folks. Some might not be willing to talk sure, but those who will be are those that will also have your back when the going gets ruff." She said.

Maul would chuckle and said "True, and to be fair, we are of the gray line ourselves. We use to be guild members once but now we mostly see who joins and what the latest gossip is. If'n you need info on anything you can come look for us." He said as he nodded, the two would head off to a small group to let Celda explore around a bit.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Sariel Sun Dec 09, 2018 6:42 pm

Celda will speak to maul in the twili language before he goes" although the stories say zeldas knight is usually a hylian im happy to see you protecting her she is zelda isnt she."as she gets out what she has to say she will chuckle midnas obnoxious chuckle.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Boraguard Sun Dec 09, 2018 6:48 pm

Maul would chuckle a bit as he said in Twili "One can hope. Though the Royalty will deny it. She has her blood that's for sure, and she is our little groups leader." He said looking back.

The smile would quickly turn into a frown upon hearing a commotion coming from up ahead, the sounds of a couple of folks yelling at someone and a small crowed as Maul would say "Oh by the Dusk not again." he said, putting his helmet back on and both he and Terra would rush to the scene.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Sariel Sun Dec 09, 2018 6:49 pm

Celda will put the sun protection ring on and rush towards the scene


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Boraguard Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:05 pm

At the scene would be two Hylians, one of which was a soldier, yelling at a man who was sitting down. A bit hard to see in the crowd as they were bunched together so one would have to pretty much push their way right to the action.

What had drawn the people here however was who the soldiers were yelling at. Most of the folks were giving this group a wide birth for one reason, a man in a silver dragon scaled armor, dark skin and brimstone red hair and beard with deep piercing yellow eyes. This man was a male Gerudo who had the face of 'oh boy, this round of crap again.' as he leaned his head on one of his hands and was sipping some tea just listening to the yelling two who may or may not be drunk from their slurring.

Beside the male Gerudo was a female Zora that looked closely like a bull shark with scars all over her visible skin and wearing leather armor with a sword and shield on her back, and she looked miffed at the two with her razor sharp teeth beard at the two and arms folded. On the other side was a rather strange sight, a male Coastal Rito covered in custom tailored Shieka stealth cloths just without the emblem, having daggers running around his waist and a small crossbow on his back. His hands were also folded but they were twitching close to his daggers as he glared at the soldiers yelling at his friend.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Sariel Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:12 pm

Twilight princess celda will sorta dance walk towards the male gerudo to talk to him.
"Hello i Find you'd make an intresting person to talk to."


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Boraguard Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:22 pm

Both the Rito and Zora would look over to Celda, but noticed that she wasn't exactly looking like she had anything malice intended, which did cause the Gerudo to raise an eyebrow seeing her. However before Celda could get close another soldier would stop her and said "Don't get too close, that man is the filth spawn of evil itself." He said

The Gerudo would roll his eyes. "345." He mumbled

The Zora would growl and said to the third soldier "Oi ya Clod! How 'bouts ya look in a bloody mirror before ya go shootin' off that soddin' mouth of yours Ya Bleedin' Quack. Only 'filth spawn' is ya and the other two nits." She said, which got the other two agitated even more. The woman would look back at the two and said "Oh what, ya goin' ta go cry 'bouts it? Then Sod off ya Quacks and leave us be." She said.

The Rito would pull out a dagger when he saw the soldiers getting angrier as they looked at the group and said "You're lucky there's a no violence law in these lands, but I promise you this Ganon, one wrong move and we'll decapitate you where you stand!" The soldier yelled.

The Gerudo would sigh and said "789. You'd think you'd at least come up with something a tad more original." He said, sipping on his tea again. The two soldiers would storm off as the third would try to peel Celda away from the group that had the Gerudo in it.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Sariel Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:34 pm

Celda will look at the guard angrily and throw a princess tantrum" i am royalty i am the heir to the throne of twilight you put your hand on me.?how dare you why when i tell the king of hyrule that anl guard not only caused commotion but threatend to break a sanctum of peace amongst these people. For shame.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Boraguard Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:46 pm

The soldier would go beat red with embarrassment as he would have several eyes on him as he still had a hold on Celda. Well after that he did let her go and like an animal with their tail between their legs would quickly walk away.

From behind Celda there would be the sound of a booming laughter. The Gerudo along with the Zora and Maul would be laughing from how Celda told the guy off. The Rito, though most of his face was covered, was easy to tell he had a 'that was good' smile under the cloth mask as Terra gave a slight chuckle. Along with them would be a Goron with his hands on his knees laughing and a...very very pale cloaked woman shaking her head with a smile from the scene. This seemed to be the group Maul had spoken of earlier.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Sariel Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:53 pm

Celda would go back to her regal stance look towarss the group and actually introduce herself."i am twilight princess celda and i wanted to say hello, not all who wander in shadows are lost nor are handsome red heads always evil."celda will do her twili chuckle.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Boraguard Sun Dec 09, 2018 8:05 pm

The Gerudo would laugh a bit more as he said "I like this girl. Come now, have a seat with us." He said motioning to a chair on the out door table they were at as the others would start sitting down as well. The man would say "Well, now that I know who you are, I am Lance. Adventurer, Dragon Knight, and considering who you ask, either the king of the Gerudo people or the spawn of evil." He said motioning to the folks who were still giving them odd glares. "We use to be part of the hunters guild for a while till we decided to split and try our luck on our own with forming a guild ourselves." He said.

The Rito would remove his cloth head gear showing he had, oddly enough, feminine white feathers, despite being a male. "You may call me Quill, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The Zora would smile a shark toothy grin as she said "Oi Love, name's Ophelia. Way ta give it to that wanker."

The Goron that had sat on the ground to not break a chair would pat Celda on the back, a bit ruffly but not meaning to. "Good to meet you friend. I'm Salak." He said with a big grin.

The last new person would be the pale woman, possibly a Shieka or a Hylian, but the cloak was covering much of her features and she seemed...rather odd compared to everyone else as she said "It's a pleasure. Name's Zeke." She said looking over Celda with a mischievous smile.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Sariel Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:09 pm

She will smile"Im, pleased to meet you all i am sorry that guard was mean. But being diffrent doesnt mean bad."


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Boraguard Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:13 pm

Lance would nod and said "Ah well, truth be told I get that crap almost daily when I'm not in the Desert. I had the unfortunate ill luck of looking just like Ganondorf of legend." He said leaning back a bit, he would then pour himself some more tea. "Would you like any?" He offered.


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Sariel Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:20 pm

Celda would be happy to have tea" yes id love to have tea,thank you.she will look to lance and say we all look like someone. I look like midna and hear her tune. I fear even the twilight may have something to fear.what what if the opposite of the old prophecy bore fruit lance what if the gerudo were given courage and some psychopath in the woods holds the triforce of power."


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Prologue, The rise of the Heros Empty Re: Prologue, The rise of the Heros

Post by Boraguard Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:30 pm

Lance would say "It is true folks are worried about that. It has been a long time sense any calamity has happened, save for the blood moon." He said.

Zeke would then say "4 years overdue to be exact. The proficies have always been on a rather strict schedule. This time however Ganon has not risen back up, despite what others may bellow. Some of us think that and the Blood Moon Curse is connected somehow." She said


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